Khun Nueng, M.L. Sipakorn, is a stunning woman who grows up under her grandmother’s pressure and upbringing. She’s never been allowed to be herself and has never met someone she could feel loved or worthy of. That is, until she meets a young girl with beautiful eyes and a cute appearance, Anueng. Anueng is cheerful and bright, but beneath her smiling face lies hidden sadness in her eyes. Nevertheless, she makes Khun Nueng’s heart flutter like never before. However, the 16-year age difference, family objections, and societal norms refuse to accept their love.

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2.0分 / 泰剧 / 泰国 / 2024




制片地区: 泰国

导演: 内详

编剧: 内详

主演: Faya Peraya Malisorn,Yoko Apasra Lertprasert

上映时间: 2024

对白语言: 汉语普通话 / 英语

色彩: 彩色

更新时间:2024-04-09 04:50


  Khun Nueng, M.L. Sipakorn, is a stunning woman who grows up under her grandmother’s pressure and upbringing. She’s never been allowed to be herself and has never met someone she could feel loved or worthy of. That is, until she meets a young girl with beautiful eyes and a cute appearance, Anueng. Anueng is cheerful and bright, but beneath her smiling face lies hidden sadness in her eyes. Nevertheless, she makes Khun Nueng’s heart flutter like never before. However, the 16-year age difference, family objections, and societal norms refuse to accept their love.


《爱填满空白》这部剧的收视率还不错,但是口碑总体来说一般。网络褒贬不一,《爱填满空白》在某瓣的评分还没开分,不过热评里面大部分几乎都是吐槽。小编自己也看了这部剧,Faya Peraya Malisorn,Yoko Apasra Lertprasert还是演的挺好的。


首先,我个人对于《爱填满空白》的态度是:这部电视剧我非常喜欢,我也一定会去追这部《爱填满空白》。《爱填满空白》改编于同名小说,其次,这部剧的导演是内详。很多著名电视剧都出自于内详之手,也都是高口碑泰剧,《爱填满空白》也邀请了原著作者担任该剧的编剧,以做到对原著的最大还原。导演:内详+原著作者+主演:Faya Peraya Malisorn,Yoko Apasra Lertprasert组合,《爱填满空白》是强强联合的组合。


《爱填满空白》由内详执导,Faya Peraya Malisorn,Yoko Apasra Lertprasert领衔主演。


《爱填满空白》于2024在泰国上映,《爱填满空白》由导演:内详执导,Faya Peraya Malisorn,Yoko Apasra Lertprasert领衔主演的泰剧。


  Khun Nueng, M.L. Sipakorn, is a stunning woman who grows up under her grandmother’s pressure and upbringing. She’s never been allowed to be herself and has never met someone she could feel loved or worthy of. That is, until she meets a young girl with beautiful eyes and a cute appearance, Anueng. Anueng is cheerful and bright, but beneath her smiling face lies hidden sadness in her eyes. Nevertheless, she makes Khun Nueng’s heart flutter like never before. However, the 16-year age difference, family objections, and societal norms refuse to accept their love.


《爱填满空白》是一部泰剧电视剧,由导演:内详执导,主演:Faya Peraya Malisorn,Yoko Apasra Lertprasert,

  Khun Nueng, M.L. Sipakorn, is a stunning woman who grows up under her grandmother’s pressure and upbringing. She’s never been allowed to be herself and has never met someone she could feel loved or worthy of. That is, until she meets a young girl with beautiful eyes and a cute appearance, Anueng. Anueng is cheerful and bright, but beneath her smiling face lies hidden sadness in her eyes. Nevertheless, she makes Khun Nueng’s heart flutter like never before. However, the 16-year age difference, family objections, and societal norms refuse to accept their love.


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